Lake Chelan Trails Alliance

The Butte Brand Project I - 2018

Lake Chelan is a narrow glacier fed, 50.5-mile long lake nestled between the heart of the northern cascades. Its geographical location makes it a recreational hub for fishing, hiking, water-sports, paragliding, and mountain biking. 

Our first philanthropic project was with Lake Chelan Trails Alliance. There was no better way to start giving back then to start in our very own back yard, the birth place of Butte Brand. Their mission is to plan, build, promote, and enjoy trails in the Lake Chelan Valley. One of their most recent projects includes, adding a new network of trails to hike our iconic Chelan Butte, which also happens to be the silhouette of our logo. So next time your in the valley, enjoy your stay, take a hike, and hit the trails. 

For more information visit their website, Lake Chelan Trails Alliance

Lake Chelan Trails Alliance